

Out of stock

SKU: 77436284944 Category:


    Back in Stock  –  Limit  1 sale of 5 skins per week


    Sales limited only to customers who have purchased since Oct 1, 2024  as our concern is that our customers should be greatly satisfied and are otherwise familiar with our leather.  Our concern is that someone may be looking for a bargain price on a leather intended for shoes, straps, case goods  and not familiar with our bookbinding leather…   These are all bookbinding leathers.   We need all of our customers to be pleased.

    Please note your last purchase month of any of our bookbinding leathers  in comments section ,  whether it was Oct, Nov, Dec,  or Jan when placing order

    Orphan Skins Collection:

    Exceptional Qualities

    Miscellaneous Vegetable Tanned Goatskins – all suitable for bookbinding – 5-7 ft/each – most are .65 mm – grades may include 1’s, 2’s, 3’s –

    Assorted colors No Two bundles will be the same

    Total Offer: 5 exquisite skins for just $135. (That’s around $25/skin)

    This is VERY POPULAR ….

    Add a touch of elegance to your craft with our carefully curated Orphan Skins Collection. Each piece offers unparalleled authenticity.